I just submitted my final paper for LIS 2800! Blackboard kept giving me errors, but I finally was able to click submit! Wahoo! The course was an unbelievable experience, but it has been a bit stressful these past few weeks - finishing that up, while beginning two new classes. I am thankful that I chose to take it, though.
I am pretty close to finishing up the first assignment for this class. I actually began using RefWorks during my first semester, as Tomer told us about it during orientation. It has made an INCREDIBLE difference for me - it saves so much time. During my undergrad, we use MLA. I do not have any experience with Chicago or APA, so I need all of the help I can get! It was really helpful during the literature review for archives, and I am expecting to get a lot out of it for my Humanities project, too.
Last night, I visited the 2600 miscellaneous folder, and found the video on RSS feeds. It was really helpful - I only wish I had found it earlier! For some reason, I really get a kick out of those silly videos - they're great fun! I was not able to get the one on Wiki's to play (I think Blackboard hates me right now). I'll try again soon. I also started to listen to the Weinberger lecture - he cracks me up! I really enjoyed his book during Understanding Info - I may have to revisit it!
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