Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Avoiding a Culture Perfect

This is my first blog! I must admit, this course is very intimidating to me, but at the same time, it's so exciting! The video by Meredith Farkas gave me a bit of courage - she said something along the lines of avoiding a "culture of perfect" (I cannot remember her exact wording). We shouldn't expect everything we do to be flawless and exceedingly clever - it's just not reality. So I'm jumping in!

This is my third semester as an online FastTrack student, and between work and school, I feel like I barely have time to breathe! But I love the coursework - I only wish I had more time to devote to it! For me, the beginning of the semester is always the most overwhelming ... so much to plan on ... so much to absorb ... I'm really looking forward to getting into the swing of things. I feel that this class is going to provide essential skills to become successful in a library job (well first, maybe to help me find one!). I like to think that I'm open to technology - it's a lot of fun learning about the latest and greatest. From the past two semesters alone, I feel so much better equipped.

As I just mentioned, I really enjoyed Meredith Farkas' presentation. Her descriptions of Web 2.0 and its prelude really clicked. The lecture by Sir Tim Berners-Lee was super informative, as well. All in all, a great first week! Off to watch lecture 2!

1 comment:

  1. I really loved Farkas' "Culture of Perfect" idea. I think I need to remind myself of that quite often. :)
